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CBG resso caster

                                                                the finished product!!!

CBG resso caster

                                                                       fitting the cone

CBG resso caster

                                                                    fitting the neck
                                                                           prep the box

CBG resso caster

                                                    shaping of the heal neck and head stock

                                             binding on and i've trimed the neck and heal  flush 

CBG resso caster


CBG resso caster

                                                     dry run finger board and head stock

CBG resso caster

                                                                trying the resso cone

CBG resso caster

                                                                  fitting the soundwell

CBG resso caster

                                                                           the box

CBG resso caster

                                                                    component parts

CBG resso caster

                                                                          sound well

CBG resso caster

                                                                   finger board blank

CBG resso caster

                                                    look it just became quarter sarwn!

CBG resso caster

flat sawn maple for the neck